Dirty Side Hustles You Need to Know

Ever wondered what it’s like to earn cash by cleaning other people’s gutters or collecting roadkill? Imagine turning unconventional tasks into money-generating side hustles that not only pay the bills but also offer unique experiences.

Whether you’re seeking extra income to live bigger, aiming to make a positive environmental impact, or simply crave the freedom of flexible work hours, these unconventional gigs have something for everyone.

From cleaning pools and gutters to salvaging valuable materials from scrap metal, each task presents an out-of-the-box way of earning money. After this article, you’ll see that there is a vast world where money can be generated in nooks and crevices you couldn’t see before. So, ready to “get your hands dirty”? Read on!

The Side Hustles

Roadkill Collector

Opportunity Score: 6/10

Believe it or not, this is a thing. You’d be on-call to collect and dispose of roadkill.  Strong stomach and knowledge of local wildlife are needed.

 Just like that first scene in the horror movies- but less creeps and more money! Roadkill collectors are typically hired by local authorities, wildlife agencies, or private companies. Your role would involve responding promptly to reports, safely removing the deceased animals, and disposing of them in accordance with regulations. This gig offers flexibility in terms of when and how often you work, making it suitable for those seeking unconventional yet rewarding opportunities.


Roadkill collectors make a decent annual rate of $72,000 according to listverse. Some are paid per animal removal, while others are paid per hour.  According to Jobmonkey, roadkill collectors may earn $40 per deer while some are paid $15 per hour.

Successful roadkill collectors possess a strong stomach and the ability to handle challenging situations with professionalism and sensitivity. They also have a keen understanding of local wildlife and regulations regarding animal disposal. Flexibility, quick response times, and effective communication skills are key traits for thriving in this gig.


This one talks about the major things to look out for as a roadkill collector: 

This entire discussion has great answers about the roadkill collecting grind:

Aspiring roadkill collectors must prioritize researching permits and regulations in their area to understand legal requirements and restrictions for handling and disposing of roadkill. 

Obtaining permits, licenses, and adhering to wildlife regulations is crucial for compliance and smooth operations. Networking with local wildlife groups through platforms like Facebook groups or forums, and attending relevant meetings, helps connect collectors with professionals and enthusiasts for valuable insights and potential collaborations. 

It’s important to be transparent about the potential downsides and hidden costs of roadkill collection. This includes acknowledging the exposure to hazardous materials and unpleasant odors associated with the job. Additionally, there are emotional challenges related to handling deceased animals that individuals considering this hustle should be aware of. Moreover, there are costs involved in equipment maintenance, disposal, and potential legal fines if regulations are not followed diligently.

Graffiti Removal Specialist

Opportunity Score: 7/10

Ever wanted to turn vandalism into a paycheck?

As a graffiti removal specialist, your main task is to professionally remove graffiti from public spaces using specialized techniques. This could involve pressure washing equipment, chemical cleaners, or other tools designed to effectively eliminate graffiti without damaging the underlying surfaces. 


According to Ziprecruiter, graffiti removers can make $18 per hour. Another source from Glassdoor states that in the City of Detroit, graffiti removal workers earn $33,378/yr. If you calculate it well, that’s not a decent rate and way to spend your time for a gig/job.

Successful graffiti removal specialists exhibit attention to detail, patience, and a strong work ethic. They have a knack for problem-solving and are skilled at using equipment safely and efficiently. Additionally, good communication skills and a professional demeanor are important when dealing with clients and coordinating with other stakeholders, such as local authorities or property owners.


Another one is the aspect of “Art” being destroyed by this gig :

It’s important to be transparent about the potential downsides and hidden costs of graffiti removal. This includes acknowledging the physical labor involved, exposure to chemicals, and potential liability risks for accidents or property damage. Moreover, there are costs associated with equipment maintenance, disposal of hazardous materials, and potential legal fines if regulations are not followed diligently.

Lawn Care Specialist

Opportunity Score: 7/10

As a lawn care specialist, your primary responsibilities include mowing, weeding, fertilizing, and maintaining lawns to keep them healthy and visually appealing. This classic side hustle has become a lucrative business, with companies earning millions annually by providing essential outdoor maintenance services to residential and commercial properties.


According to Ziprecruiter, pay ranges from $17 to $24 per hour. For an oddly satisfying job, the pay rate here is decent for anyone who intends on making a few extra bucks through disregarded lawns.

Successful lawn care specialists possess a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and a passion for working outdoors. They are knowledgeable about various lawn care techniques, equipment, and plant species. Additionally, good communication skills, reliability, and a customer-focused approach are essential traits for building and maintaining a successful lawn care business.


According to Zippia, there are over 69,722 lawn care specialists currently employed in the United States and there are 69,597 active lawn care specialist job openings in the US.


Here’s some good testimony:

Here’s a testimony that has geographical perspective: 

For lawn care specialists, the initial step involves researching permits and regulations to ensure compliance with legal requirements such as pesticide use and noise regulations, crucial for smooth operations and obtaining necessary permits, licenses, and insurance. Networking within local communities, gardening groups, and attending workshops provides opportunities to connect with potential clients, learn about trends, and gain insights from experienced professionals, fostering referrals and business growth. Investing in high-quality equipment like lawn mowers, trimmers, and reliable transportation ensures efficient service delivery and client satisfaction.

Junk Removal Service

Opportunity Score: 8/10

It’s like that TV series where they bid on warehouses to find valuable junk but this time without a warehouse and the bidding part.

A junk removal service involves hauling away unwanted items from homes, businesses, or construction sites. Beyond simply disposing of items, savvy individuals in this gig can also find valuable pieces to resell, turning trash removal into a profitable venture. Having a truck or van for transportation is helpful for efficiently handling and transporting the items.


From Ziprecruiter’s data, $18 per hour is the expected rate for people who want to perform junk removal services. Another data from Glassdoor states that the rate for this gig/job is around $53K – $88K/yr.

Successful junk removal specialists are physically fit and capable of lifting heavy items safely. They possess excellent organizational skills and are adept at sorting through various items to determine what can be recycled, donated, or sold. Strong communication skills and a customer-friendly attitude are also important for building trust and repeat business.


According to Gosite, the average revenue for a junk removal business being about $1.4 million per year, the demand for this job has been growing throughout the years.


Here’s a junk removal personnel talking about his work:

For junk removal services, the initial step involves researching permits and regulations to ensure compliance with legal requirements regarding waste collection, disposal, and recycling, crucial for smooth operations and obtaining necessary permits, licenses, and insurance. Networking within local communities, attending industry events, and connecting with potential clients provides opportunities to learn about waste management trends, gain insights from experienced professionals, and foster referrals and business growth. Investing in suitable equipment such as trucks, bins, and safety gear ensures efficient and environmentally friendly service delivery, while reliable transportation methods contribute to timely and satisfactory results for clients.

House Cleaner (Specialized)

 Opportunity Score: 8/10

Time to get those tinkering tools and be as thorough as possible because deep cleaning is a trend now!

Specialized house cleaners offer comprehensive cleaning services that go beyond the basics. In addition to general cleaning tasks, they specialize in carpet and bed cleaning, using professional equipment and techniques to achieve exceptional results. Clients are willing to pay higher rates for these specialized services, making it a lucrative niche within the house cleaning industry.


From Ziprecruiter’s data, $17 per hour is the expected rate for people who intend to handle house cleaning services. Another data from Glassdoor states that the rate for this gig/job is around $41K – $68K/yr.

Successful specialized house cleaners exhibit attention to detail, thoroughness, and a commitment to delivering superior results. They are knowledgeable about different cleaning techniques, equipment, and products, especially those tailored for carpets and bedding. Strong communication skills, professionalism, and a customer-centric approach are essential for building long-term relationships with clients and attracting referrals.


You might find this an interesting read:

For individuals considering house cleaning as a side hustle, the first step is to research permits and regulations in their area to understand licensing requirements, safety standards, and legal obligations. Building a client base involves networking with local homeowners, real estate agents, or property management companies through online platforms, social media, or networking events. Investing in quality cleaning supplies, equipment, and tools such as vacuum cleaners, mops, and cleaning solutions is crucial for providing thorough and efficient services, ensuring customer satisfaction and professionalism.

Gutter Cleaner

Opportunity Score: 7.5/10

Don’t let rain wreak havoc – become a gutter superhero and protect homes from water damage!

As a gutter cleaner, your primary task is to clean gutters and downspouts to prevent water damage and maintain the structural integrity of buildings. This essential maintenance work requires basic equipment like a ladder and gloves, along with knowledge of safe cleaning practices.


Imagine earning around $23 to keep our gutters clean! That data is from Ziprecruiter. The average rate is already good, imagine reaching the top earners’ rate in the long run.

Successful gutter cleaners demonstrate reliability, attention to detail, and a commitment to safety. They are comfortable working at heights and have good physical stamina for climbing ladders and performing repetitive tasks. Problem-solving skills and the ability to identify potential gutter issues are also valuable traits in this role.


In this article from LinkedIn, demand for gutter cleaning services is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 1.9 billion by 2033.


Here are two subreddits that are a combination of reality and pay perspective that you might find interesting:

Another testimony about the role which you can also browse:

To begin a side hustle in gutter cleaning, first, research the permits and regulations in your area, focusing on licensing requirements, safety standards, and environmental regulations to ensure legal and responsible operations. Next, build a client base by networking with local homeowners, property managers, or roofing companies through online platforms, social media, or community groups to promote your services effectively. Invest in quality gutter cleaning equipment like ladders, gutter scoops, pressure washers, and safety gear to perform thorough and efficient gutter cleaning jobs, ensuring customer satisfaction and professionalism.

Being transparent about the potential downsides and challenges of gutter cleaning is necessary. This includes working at heights, physical labor, potential exposure to debris and pests, equipment maintenance costs, and managing client expectations for a successful gutter cleaning business.

Pool Cleaner

Opportunity Score: 8.5/10

You just gotta make sure they didn’t put wild animals in the murky pool waters.

As a pool cleaner, your main task is to maintain and clean pools for homeowners, ensuring they remain safe, hygienic, and visually appealing. This includes skimming debris, vacuuming the pool floor, balancing chemicals, and inspecting equipment for any issues.


According to ZipRecruiter, $17 per hour is the standard rate for pool cleaners. Imagine getting paid for just cleaning pools and touring nice mansions- now that’s a good deal!

Successful pool cleaners exhibit attention to detail, reliability, and a strong work ethic. They have knowledge of pool maintenance techniques, chemicals, and equipment. Good communication skills, professionalism, and the ability to troubleshoot and solve problems are also crucial traits for providing excellent service to clients.


According to Zippia, the projected pool cleaner job growth rate is 4% from 2018-2028.


Here’s a thread you need to read: 

This one is talking about the contracts and negotiations involved with this job:

To start a successful pool cleaning business, aspiring entrepreneurs should first research and understand the permits, licensing requirements, safety standards, and environmental regulations governing pool cleaning services in their area. Building a solid client base involves networking with local homeowners, property managers, and pool supply companies through various platforms like social media and local events, showcasing services with photos and testimonials. 

Investing in high-quality pool cleaning equipment such as skimmers, brushes, vacuums, and safety gear is crucial for delivering excellent service, ensuring thorough pool cleaning and customer satisfaction, leading to repeat business opportunities.

This role includes physical demands, exposure to pool chemicals, managing schedules and appointments, pricing strategies, and effectively communicating with clients to meet their expectations and address any feedback for a successful pool cleaning business.

Home Painter

Opportunity Score: 7.5/10

Brush up your life with a colorful career – dive into the world of home painting!

As a home painter, your main responsibility is to transform interior and exterior spaces through paint application. This can include preparing surfaces, selecting and mixing paints, and applying coats for a flawless finish. The job may involve working with clients to choose colors and finishes that suit their preferences and enhance the aesthetics of their homes.


With a house painter job, your average rate is at $22 per hour. Yep, according to Ziprecruiter’s website, you read that right

Home painters that have proven themselves as the veterans of this profession possess a keen eye for detail, patience, and a strong sense of creativity. They are skilled at working with various painting techniques and tools, ensuring smooth and even application for a professional finish. 


According to Zippia, the projected painter job growth rate is 1% from 2018-2028.


Ever wonder how a painter’s day looks like? You may read these threads:

But you need to be careful about the dangers that come with the job:

To start a successful home painting business, aspiring entrepreneurs should first research and understand the permits, licensing requirements, safety standards, and environmental regulations governing painting services in their area. 

Building a client base involves networking with local homeowners, real estate agents, and property management companies using online platforms, social media, or local events to showcase services, portfolios, and customer testimonials. Investing in quality painting supplies, equipment, and tools such as brushes, rollers, drop cloths, sprayers, and safety gear is crucial for providing professional and high-quality services, ultimately leading to customer satisfaction and business growth.

Trash Pickup

Opportunity Score: 8/10

Good, evil, litter, trash and some other things that have been existing since the dawn of time.

Trash pickup involves collecting and disposing of waste from residential and commercial properties. With the right approach, this seemingly mundane task can be surprisingly profitable, especially when implementing recurring business models such as subscription-based pickups or contracted services with businesses. 


Who knew you could earn big bucks by picking up trash? According to Ziprecruiter, trash pickup gigs/jobs let you earn $27 per hour.

Successful trash pickup professionals exhibit reliability, organization, and a strong work ethic. They are knowledgeable about waste management regulations, recycling practices, and safe handling of different types of waste. Good communication skills, customer service orientation, and the ability to problem-solve and adapt to changing needs are also essential traits.


This talks about pay: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nanny/comments/ld95na/being_a_garbage_collector_is_not_the_worst_job_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 

This entire discussion is a Q and A with a trash pickup personnel https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/xrphgq/im_a_garbage_man_ask_me_anything_about_the_job/ 

Starting a trash pickup service involves initial groundwork, starting with researching the regulations and permits necessary in your area for waste collection and disposal to ensure legal compliance, safety standards, and environmental responsibility.

Investing in suitable equipment like garbage trucks, bins, safety gear, and recycling solutions is essential for efficient operations. Considering associated costs like acquisition, maintenance, fuel, and potential staffing needs also contributes to running a successful trash pickup business.

Aside from the role being a hazard to your very own health, this role requires you to  acknowledge the physical demands of waste collection, potential risks of injuries or accidents, costs of equipment maintenance, disposal, and compliance with waste management regulations.

Curb Address Painting

Opportunity Score: 7/10

Through this, you will be helping one lost mailman at a time!

Curb address painting involves painting house numbers on curbs to enhance visibility for emergency responders, delivery drivers, and visitors. This simple yet valuable service is accomplished using spray paint and stencils, making it accessible and easy to do. Homeowners appreciate the improved visibility, which can lead to increased safety and convenience.


Finding the salary on this one was quite a challenge. According to Indeed, curb address painting lets you earn $20 per hour. Now that’s a good payout for minimal work!

Successful curb address painters exhibit attention to detail, precision, and a knack for using stencils and spray paint effectively. They have good organizational skills for scheduling appointments and managing supplies. Additionally, friendly and professional communication with clients is important for building trust and securing repeat business.


These two talk about this gig still being feasible nowadays:

byu/RabidusRex from discussion
byu/SchmiahMiah from discussion

This one talks about the pay specifically:

by from discussion

Starting a curb painting business involves thorough research into local regulations, permissions, and permit requirements for curb painting in residential areas to ensure legal compliance and safety standards. Networking with local homeowners’ associations, neighborhood groups, or real estate agents helps in finding potential clients and understanding their preferences.

Utilizing online platforms, social media, or local advertising aids in showcasing services and attracting customers is also a smart move. Investing in quality paint, stencils, equipment, and safety gear is essential for achieving precise and durable curb painting results, and considering costs for supplies, equipment maintenance, marketing, and insurance coverage is crucial for running a successful curb painting business.

Curb address painting includes acknowledging factors like weather conditions affecting painting projects, seasonal demand fluctuations, competition, pricing strategies, and managing customer expectations for a successful curb painting business.

Appliance Repair

Opportunity Score: 8/10)

Bring appliances back to life like a powerful alchemist!

Appliance repair professionals diagnose and fix faulty household appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, ovens, and more. They must have handyman skills to troubleshoot issues, replace parts, and ensure appliances are functioning properly.


Imagine earning $24 per hour and feeling like Tony Stark. Yes, that’s right. According to Ziprecruiter, that’s the actual rate of appliance repair technicians.


According to Zippia, the projected appliance technician job growth rate is 8% from 2018-2028.

Successful appliance repair professionals exhibit technical proficiency, mechanical aptitude, and a methodical approach to problem-solving. They are detail-oriented and able to work independently or as part of a team. Good communication skills, professionalism, and reliability are also crucial for building trust with clients and securing repeat business.


Here’s a life update from someone doing  appliance repair side hustle:

Here’s a discussion about how satisfying running these kinds of business are:

byu/cummins87 from discussion

Here’s another testimony from an appliance repair specialist:

byu/alexw888 from discussion

For individuals interested in appliance repair, it’s crucial to start by honing technical skills through training programs or apprenticeships and researching licensing and certification requirements in their region for legal and professional operation. 

Networking with local industry players and utilizing online platforms or social media helps in gaining insights, job opportunities, and attracting clients with showcased services and expertise. Investing in quality tools, diagnostic equipment, spare parts, and safety gear is essential for efficient and reliable service delivery, including considerations for maintenance, marketing, insurance, and potential staffing needs for the business’s success.

From the physical demands of troubleshooting and repairs to navigating complex technical issues, honest communication sets the stage for effective problem-solving and customer satisfaction. Additionally, addressing pricing strategies, managing project timelines, and actively seeking client feedback are essential components of a transparent and reputable appliance repair service. By embracing transparency, appliance repair professionals not only build loyal customer relationships but also position themselves as trusted experts in a competitive market.

Trash Can Cleaning

Opportunity Score: 8.5/10

Transform trash cans from stinky to sparkling – embrace the clean revolution with trash can cleaning services!

Trash can cleaning services involve offering curbside cleaning for trash cans on a regular schedule, typically using a pressure washer and cleaning supplies. The process includes removing dirt, grime, and odors from the cans, ensuring they remain hygienic and pleasant to use. This service is particularly valuable for homeowners and businesses looking to maintain cleanliness and curb appeal.


According to Ziprecruiter, garbage cleaners earn $15 per hour. The range is around $9.38 to $18.75 which is quite a low pay for a tough and quite hazardous role.

Trash Can cleaners that succeed in their career/gig exhibit attention to detail, thoroughness, and a commitment to delivering exceptional results. They are physically fit and able to handle the equipment and tasks involved in pressure washing. Good communication skills, professionalism, and a customer-focused approach are also crucial for building and maintaining a loyal client base.


Here’s a discussion about possible pay range to get you excited:

byu/mocarona from discussion

Here’s a headsup from someone who actually runs this business:

by from discussion

Being a garbage cleaner includes acknowledging the physical labor involved, potential equipment maintenance costs, and adherence to environmental regulations. Setting realistic expectations and delivering high-quality services will build trust and loyalty among customers.

Sofa Cleaner

Opportunity Score: 8/10

 Be the hero that couch potatoes need!

Sofa cleaning involves deep-cleaning upholstered sofas and furniture using specialized equipment and cleaning solutions. Professionals in this field remove dirt, stains, and allergens, restoring sofas to their original cleanliness and freshness. Partnering with cleaning companies can lead to referrals and expand the client base, making it a lucrative niche within the cleaning industry.


Couch cleaners are said to earn around $17 per hour according to Ziprecruiter. With a job so distinct, and who knows how many sofas a client may have- this can be a very profitable business!

Sofa cleaners exhibit attention to detail, thoroughness, and a passion for delivering excellent results. They are skilled at using specialized cleaning equipment and techniques to tackle different types of fabrics and stains. Good communication skills, professionalism, and a customer-centric approach are also important for building trust and securing repeat business.

The complexities of sofa cleaning, including the challenges of stain removal, fabric types, and potential costs, is essential. Building trust with customers through honest communication, quality services, and professionalism will lead to positive reviews and repeat business. Another factor that is a gray-line in this job is the possibility of sofas actually being damaged instead of just being dirty.

Mailbox Repair/Installation

(Opportunity Score: 6.5/10)

Mailbox repair and installation involves fixing or installing damaged or new mailboxes for residential and commercial clients. This service ensures secure and convenient mail delivery while enhancing the curb appeal of properties. Initially, professionals in this field may need to actively seek out clients through targeted marketing or partnerships with local hardware stores or home improvement businesses.


This job is quite distinct and finding other sources of the pay rate is a challenge. However, in this specific post of Costimates, it is said that the common range of installed mailboxes is around $60-$385. The national average is said to be at $220 per installed ones.

Mailbox repair and installation professionals exhibit attention to detail, craftsmanship, and a commitment to quality work. They are skilled at working with tools and materials required for mailbox repair and installation, ensuring durability and functionality. 

To establish a successful mailbox repair business, conduct research on local regulations and permit requirements for mailbox repairs. Network with homeowners’ associations, real estate agents, and property managers to identify potential clients. Invest in quality repair tools, replacement parts, and materials. Utilize online platforms, social media, and local advertising to showcase your services, expertise, and customer testimonials. Be transparent about pricing, repair options, and turnaround times to provide reliable and efficient mailbox repair services.

Intricacies of mailbox repairs vary. Including repair complexity, material costs, and potential limitations, is crucial in your negotiations and decision making phase. Building trust with clients through open communication, professionalism, and timely services will lead to satisfied customers and positive referrals. Plus, it is obvious that the item(mailbox) you intend to align your services with is not an everyday item most people tend to be concerned about, especially with the rise of electronic mail.

Mobile Phone Repair

Opportunity Score: 9/10

Cracked screens to flawless performance – unlock the secrets of mobile phone repair!

 Mobile phone repair involves fixing various issues such as cracked screens, battery problems, software glitches, and more for smartphones and other devices. Professionals in this field must have strong technical skills, including knowledge of mobile device components, repair techniques, and software troubleshooting. With competition being high, offering exceptional service and quick turnaround times can set you apart in this industry.


According to Ziprecruiter, the average hourly rate for cell phone repair technicians is around $17 per hour. On Glassdoor’s website, the annual rate of the same role is around $37K – $58K/yr.

Mobile phone repair technicians who are the best at what they do exhibit technical proficiency, problem-solving abilities, and a passion for staying updated with the latest mobile technologies. They are detail-oriented, patient, and able to work efficiently under pressure. Good communication skills, professionalism, and a customer-focused approach are also crucial for building trust and securing repeat business.


In the article of Gitnux,cell phone repair businesses are expected to generate $1.3 billion in wages in 2022, with a market growth rate of 0.9%.

Weighing the complexities of mobile phone repairs, including technical challenges, parts availability, and repair costs, is essential in each client transaction and even before starting this business. Building trust with customers through open communication, professionalism, and timely services will lead to satisfied clients and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Garage Organizer

Opportunity Score: 8.5/10

From arranging your tools to your supercars, these professionals got your back!

A garage organizer assists individuals in decluttering, optimizing space, and creating efficient storage systems in their garages. This involves sorting items, creating storage solutions, labeling containers, and maximizing usable space. Strong organizational skills, creativity, and a knack for space optimization are essential for success in this role.


This next role is another one of those challenging ones to find a rate for. This is most likely due to the job being too specific. In this article of HomeAdvisor, The average cost to complete a garage organization project varies according to your location within the U.S. Prices range from a low of $820 in Oregon to $2,340 in North Carolina. Professional organizers near you cost $240 to $750 or charge an average hourly rate of $55 to $85. 

A garage organizer assists individuals in decluttering, optimizing space, and creating efficient storage systems in their garages. This involves sorting items, creating storage solutions, labeling containers, and maximizing usable space. Strong organizational skills, creativity, and a knack for space optimization are essential for success in this role.

To establish a successful garage organizing business, conduct research on organizational techniques, storage solutions, and industry trends. Network with homeowners, real estate agents, and home improvement stores for insights and potential clients. Invest in quality organizing tools, storage systems, and labeling materials. Utilize online platforms, social media, and local advertising to showcase your services, expertise, and before-and-after photos. Be transparent about pricing, organizing strategies, and project timelines to provide efficient and personalized garage organization services.

Pet Waste Removal

Opportunity Score: 6/10

Pet waste removal involves cleaning up and disposing of pet waste from yards, parks, and other outdoor spaces. This service is ideal for recurring revenue as pet owners often require regular cleanups to maintain a clean and healthy environment for their pets and families. It typically involves using specialized tools like scoopers and bags to collect waste and dispose of it properly.


According to Ziprecruiter, dog waste removal jobs let you earn around $32 per hour. Of course, you have to take into consideration the number of clients and their budget with this estimate in your own business/gig planning. According to Glassdoor, the same role is said to pay $42K – $62K/yr.

Successful pet waste removal professionals exhibit reliability, attention to detail, and a commitment to cleanliness. They are comfortable working outdoors and handling pet waste with care and professionalism. Good communication skills, punctuality, and a customer-friendly attitude are also important for building trust and securing repeat business.

Final Thoughts

These hustles aren’t just dirty jobs; they play a crucial role in improving communities, conserving resources, and promoting sustainability. From reducing waste and keeping our environments clean to providing essential services that enhance our quality of life, each hustle contributes to a bigger picture of positive impact and progress.

Which of these jobs surprised you the most? Do you have any thoughts, experiences, or questions about these hustles? Let’s start a conversation below! Share your insights and join the discussion on how these dirty side hustles are making a difference in our world.

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