7 Remote Jobs With No Interview Or Phone Needed

Are you dreaming of ditching the office grind for the comfort of your own home? The idea of working remotely will always be enticing, but breaking into this world without experience may feel like taking on the impossible head on.

Yet you managed to find this article! That speaks a lot about your determination. Let’s reward your hard work with some potential job opportunities. I’ve curated a list of 7 remote jobs that require no interviews or phone calls and can earn you good monthly pay for your grind. 

Let’s explore how you can turn your work-from-home dream into a reality that pays off in more ways than one.

It’s Not Just the Gig, It’s the Fit

When it comes to remote jobs with no experience required, not all opportunities are created equal. Sure, they might all offer the benefit of working from home and a decent paycheck, but it’s what lies beyond the surface that truly matters. Nothing’s worse than feeling like you’ve won the lottery at the onboarding process but feeling like you want to quit everyday on your shift, right?

Aligning your strengths, expertise- and of course, passion with the role you apply for will allow you to not only feel like a winner in the short term but also in the long run.

Take this mini-quiz to nudge yourself towards a few job types on our list that could be the perfect fit for you:

  • Are you more of a puzzle enthusiast or a people person?

If you love solving puzzles and have a knack for detail, you might excel as a Data Entry Specialist or a Virtual Assistant.

  • Do you enjoy expressing your ideas through words or visuals?

Writers and Graphic Designers both play vital roles in the digital world, but your preference for words or visuals could guide you towards one or the other.

  • Are you tech-savvy and enjoy troubleshooting issues?

Technical Support Representatives and Customer Service Agents with a tech focus could be right up your alley if problem-solving is your forte.

  • Do you have a passion for helping others and excellent communication skills?

Consider exploring opportunities as an Online Tutor or a Customer Support Representative specializing in helping customers with their queries and concerns.

Remember, it’s not just about finding any remote job – it’s about finding the right fit that aligns with your strengths, interests, and long-term goals. So, let’s dive into these 7 remote jobs and discover which one could be your gateway to a fulfilling and rewarding work-from-home career.

Your Remote Job Starter Pack

Social Media Evaluator for Appen

Ever thought your love for scrolling could pay the bills?
As a Social Media Evaluator for Appen, your job revolves around analyzing social media content, providing insights to improve algorithms, and ensuring a top-notch user experience. Appen, a renowned player in AI data annotation, offers a remote-friendly work environment, blending flexibility with digital innovation.

According to Ziprecruiter, this role on this website pays around $23 /hour. Compared to mindlessly scrolling for free, taking up this gig is definitely a smart move.

This role is a gateway to various career paths like social media management, digital marketing, or data analysis. Mastering content evaluation and trend identification here opens doors to exciting opportunities in the digital landscape.

On the positive side, you get to experience the perks of working from home, keep yourself in the loop with the latest social media trends, and enhance your critical thinking and analysis abilities. However, there’s a chance you might find the tasks somewhat repetitive and the need to follow guidelines very closely, which could be seen as challenges

Appen’s Social Media Evaluator role offers a great balance of remote flexibility and skill development, although the cons like monotony and guideline strictness may not suit everyone’s skillset and stress tolerance.

Proofreading for Cambridge

If you can spot a misplaced comma from a mile away and turn typos into triumphs, then Proofreading for Cambridge might just be your ticket to punctuation perfection.

As a proofreader for Cambridge, your role revolves around meticulously checking written content for errors in grammar, punctuation, and style, ensuring that every word shines with clarity and accuracy. Cambridge, a prestigious institution known for its excellence in education and publishing, offers a platform to hone your proofreading skills at a professional level.

According to their own website, proofreaders are said to earn around $20–30 per hour and that is  paid twice monthly.

Mastering the skill of proofreading while working at Cambridge opens doors to various career paths in the publishing industry, content creation, editing, or even teaching English as a second language. The attention to detail and language proficiency gained here are highly valued in a range of professions.

Creative young Hispanic male photographer sitting at table with photo camera and printed photos and working on laptop in modern loft style workplace at home

On the bright side, proofreading for Cambridge offers invaluable experience, enhances your language skills, and provides a sense of accomplishment in perfecting written communication. However, it may also involve long hours of focused concentration and the pressure of maintaining high standards, which can be challenging especially when done consistently throughout your employment with them.

Proofreading for Cambridge earns a solid reputation for its skill development opportunities, and potential career advancement. While it demands precision and dedication, the rewards in terms of professional growth and expertise are substantial.

Freelance Editor for Wordvice

Welcome to the realm of freelance content editing, where every word is meticulously scrutinized and every sentence polished to perfection.

As a freelance content editor for Wordvice, your role involves refining and enhancing written content to ensure impeccable grammar, style, and coherence. Wordvice, a respected platform specializing in academic and business editing services, provides freelance editors with the opportunity to showcase their editing skills and contribute to a wide range of projects.

According to Glassdoor, freelance editors at Wordvice earn around $21-$33/hr.Of course, the pay varies depending on your typing speed, output rating, and other technical aspects usually found in writing/editing roles.

Person Holding White Ceramci Be Happy Painted Mug

Through freelance content editing for Wordvice, you can develop expertise in editing techniques, language refinement, client communication, and project management. These skills open doors to future roles in content management, editorial positions, publishing, or even establishing yourself as a professional editor or author.

The advantages of freelance content editing for Wordvice include flexible work hours, exposure to diverse content topics, and the chance to refine your editing skills. However, challenges may include managing fluctuating workloads, meeting deadlines, and maintaining consistent quality standards.

Freelance Content Editing for Wordvice earns a solid 8 out of 10 for its platform reputation, skill development opportunities, and potential career growth. While it offers flexibility and opportunities for skill enhancement, freelancers should be prepared for the demands of managing their workload and ensuring high-quality edits consistently.

Research Content Writers for Welocalize

Welcome to the realm of Research Content Writers for Welocalize, where facts are your friends and words wield the power of persuasion.

As a Research Content Writer for Welocalize, your mission is to craft compelling and informative content backed by thorough research. Welocalize, a reputable company specializing in localization and content solutions, offers writers the chance to delve into diverse topics and produce high-quality content for clients worldwide.

From their very own website, research content writers for Welocalize are paid $25 per hour. That’s a pretty big rate for a writing role and it is definitely worth the work.

By honing your research and writing skills at Welocalize, you pave the way for future roles in content marketing, SEO writing, journalism, market research, or even academic writing. The ability to synthesize complex information and communicate it effectively opens doors to a multitude of career paths.

Photo of a Woman Thinking

The perks of being a Research Content Writer for Welocalize include the opportunity to work on interesting topics, enhance research abilities, and contribute to global content strategies. However, challenges may include tight deadlines, the need for meticulous accuracy in research, and adapting to varying client requirements.

Research Content Writers for Welocalize earns a commendable rating for its platform reputation, skill development opportunities, and potential for diverse career paths. While it offers stimulating work and growth prospects, individuals should be prepared for the demands of rigorous research and meeting client expectations consistently.

Online Search Results Rater at Telus International

Where relevance is the holy grail and algorithms are the riddles you’re sworn to solve.

As an Online Search Results Rater at Telus International, your task is to evaluate and rate the relevance of search engine results based on predefined criteria. Telus International, a leading provider of digital solutions and customer experience services, offers opportunities for remote workers to contribute to improving search engine algorithms and user experiences.

According to their very own website, Raters earn around $12 – $15 per hour. For a remote work that requires no experience, this rate compensates pretty well for the job role that’s quite technical.

Photo Of Woman Sitting Near Wooden Doors

By working as an Online Search Results Rater, you develop skills in data analysis, information retrieval, and critical thinking, setting the stage for potential roles in data quality assurance, digital marketing, SEO analysis, or even machine learning.

The benefits of being an Online Search Results Rater include flexible work hours, the opportunity to work remotely, and gaining insights into search engine algorithms. However, challenges may include the need for consistent accuracy, adherence to guidelines, and the repetitive nature of evaluating search results.

The rating reflects the consensus from various online forums and discussions about the Online Search Results Rater position at Telus International. Many users appreciate the flexibility of remote work and the chance to develop skills in data analysis. However, some mention challenges related to maintaining accuracy and dealing with repetitive tasks, which slightly affects the overall rating.

General Transcription for Daily Transcription

The glamorous world of transcription—where every “um,” “uh,” and background noise becomes your sworn enemies.

As a General Transcriptionist for Daily Transcription, your role involves transcribing audio and video files into written text with accuracy and attention to detail. Daily Transcription, a reputable transcription service provider, offers opportunities for transcriptionists to work on a variety of projects and enhance their transcription skills.

General Transcriptionists earn around $45 – $66 p/hour of material according to their website.

Through general transcription work, you can cultivate advanced skills in deep listening, rapid typing, linguistic mastery, and efficient time handling. These proficiencies can serve as stepping stones toward elevated positions such as language translation, intricate subtitling, nuanced closed captioning, podcast editing for audio quality enhancement, high-level content creation, or even leadership roles in media teams, overseeing the production and quality of audio and video content.

The benefits of working as a General Transcriptionist for Daily Transcription include flexibility in work hours, the opportunity to work remotely, and honing your transcription skills. However, challenges may include tight deadlines, audio quality variations, and the potential for repetitive tasks.

The General Transcription role at Daily Transcription earns a stellar 9 out of 10 for its comprehensive description of the job responsibilities, salary transparency, and highlighting the possible opportunities for skill development and career advancement (if pursued). Of course, the logic that it has a good pay for a rather simple task is highly visible too.

Customer Service Agent with Working Solutions

As a Customer Service Agent with Working Solutions, your role is to assist customers with inquiries, issues, and concerns via phone, email, or chat. Working Solutions, a renowned provider of remote customer service solutions, offers agents the opportunity to work from home and provide excellent service to a diverse range of clients.

According to their website, Working Solutions contractors have earned up to $19+/hour (paid by the minute). 

By working as a Customer Service Agent, you can develop skills in communication, problem-solving, multitasking, and conflict resolution. These skills can open doors to future roles in customer experience management, team leadership, quality assurance, or even transitioning into related fields such as sales or operations.

Shallow Focus Photography of a Man in White Collared Dress Shirt Talking to the Phone Using Black Android Smartphone

The advantages of being a Customer Service Agent with Working Solutions include the flexibility of remote work, the chance to develop valuable communication skills, and the opportunity to work with diverse clients. However, challenges may include dealing with difficult customers, managing high call volumes, and maintaining composure under pressure.

Aside from the role being a good opportunity to learn and grow as a professional, the company/website itself is already decent by itself. The only visible drawback would be the variability of the rate and of course, handling customer service agent is always a rollercoaster of emotions which may take a toll on anyone.

The “No Experience” Advantage

Contrary to what some may believe, starting your remote career with a “no experience” job can actually be a strategic advantage. Here’s why:

  • Building Confidence: Beginning with a role that doesn’t require previous experience allows you to ease into the remote work environment. It gives you the opportunity to learn the ropes, gain confidence in your abilities, and discover what aspects of the job you truly enjoy.
  • Testing Your Preferences: Think of it as a trial period where you get to test different tasks and responsibilities without the pressure of extensive experience requirements. This hands-on experience helps you determine what type of work you’re passionate about and where your strengths lie.
  • Capability to Adapt: Starting with a “no experience” job requires adaptability, a crucial skill in today’s dynamic work landscape. It shows employers that you can fit into different company cultures easily and thrive in diverse work environments.
  • Unyielding Passion for Learning: Demonstrating a passion for learning and gaining experience, even in entry-level roles, speaks volumes about your dedication and commitment to personal and professional growth.
  • Honesty About Success: Success in remote work isn’t just about finding any job; it’s about choosing positions that align with your interests and skills. By picking roles that make the work less tedious or painful for you, you set yourself up for a more fulfilling and sustainable career journey.

Embrace the advantage of starting small, honing your skills, and being honest about what drives your success in remote work. At the end of the day, great things take time and patience.

Final Thoughts

Ready to embark on your remote work journey? 

Don’t miss out on valuable insights and resources to guide you along the way. Sign up to receive “FREE 6-STEP GUIDES TO CHOOSING YOUR DREAM CAREER,” a freebie packed with tips and strategies to enhance your job search and excel in remote roles.

If you still want to read more career-related articles to help you out to become more prepared and ready for the remote work industry- scroll on!

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